Thursday, September 30, 2010

I went to the Doctor..........

And it went like this:

She: what can i do for you today?
Me: well, i want to lose weight.
She: me too

Anyways, we had a bit of a chat about stuff and PORTION CONTROL and THROWING OUT LEFTOVERS - these are the things I have problems with... And I'm going back at the end of the month for a weigh and measure.

My stats at today:

Weight: Somewhere around 96 kgs but I didn't look too hard  :-/

BMI: 38

Waist: 106 cms - that's about a foot to lose to get down to 80cms.

Height: 159cms.

I said I wanted to lost 10 kgs by Christmas. I really really would love that to happen but I've worked that out to be about a kilo a week, dunno if that's sustainable but to have lost 5-8 would be wonderful.

So with my new injection of resolve I'm determined to shift this once and for all.


See, here's the thing. It's becoming very uncomfortable to be mobile at this weight with my bung shoulders. For instance, I cannot use tampons as I cannot reach far enough. Also, basic hygiene is becoming a bit of a problem too in the nether regions. I can still just reach by flinging my left arm up and leaning to the right but, come on, who wants to live their life this way? Not me, that's for sure. It's ridiculous really. I'm sure there are ppl out there who are much larger than me who battle with this sort of stuff every day and I sympathise. Bending over, squatting down, tying shoe laces, cutting toe nails, no thanks. I'd prefer to breathe.

So here's to a new sleeker Moosecat.

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